Tips for finding a job


Looking for work? It's okay to be unemployed right now- thousands of people are and you're not alone. Still, you don't have to be. Here are my best tips if you're unemployed and trying to find a job.

Ask friends and family if they know anybody who's hiring

Word of mouth can help with job searching. It helps if the employer knows somebody you know. This is part of why networking is so important. Don't be embarrassed to ask- they know you're trying to better yourself.

Consider gig work, like delivering food or driving.

If you can't find a job, a gig might hold you down in the meantime. Can you work for a food delivery company or drive part time? What skills do you have that might work in the gig economy? Social media is a popular and in-demand skill right now. If you can post on Instagram, you may be able to get hired to do it professionally. Speaking of which...

Brush up your social media and/or start a blog

Social media is often a portfolio of sorts in the creative world. It's something you can show as proof that you know how to write well and take quality photos. Many employers are looking for social media coordinators, or people to take product photos, videos, and reels. Don't know what to blog about? Think about a problem that you're facing or a friend is facing, and what you would tell them to do to solve that problem. Employers like problem solvers. Also, look at hashtags and geo-tags for your area - many companies will put "now hiring" on social media.

Walk around your town or city with resumes and approach local places.

Just ask if you can leave your resume with the manager. Chances are, next time they're hiring they'll give you a call.

Re-do your resume

Sometimes it helps if you re-start your resume. Tailor it to each job, really highlighting your strengths and how your experience would make you a good fit for the role. Don't forget to ask previous employers for recommendations!

Consider interning

There's nothing wrong with taking on an internship if you can't find a job. It's better than not working at all, and the position could grow into a job.

Join Indeed, LinkedIn, and look on Craigslist (for legit postings.) This isn't sponsored- these resources have really helped me!

 I've been in your position with my own job search- we all have.  Keep searching, stay determined, and don't give up! I believe you'll find the job of your dreams soon.


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