Tips for finding clothes at a yard sale


The necklace here was found at a yard sale in Maine for $1! Here's my best advice for finding good yard sale pieces.

Drive walk around on a weekend and look for yard sale signs

Most yard sales will happen on summer weekends. You'll see a sign that says "yard sale" with an arrow. 

Scout Craigslist for a yard sale

Under events, there is a section "garage sales" you can try.   Many yard sales will be listed on there and you can know in advance when they'll take place. Also try looking on Instagram under #garagesale #yardsale - you might get lucky and find something in your area.

Show up early

Sometimes yard sales can get crowded, especially on nicer days. Make sure to show up early to get the best items.

Comb through boxes and really look at things

When you take your time looking, you're more likely to find that perfect item. You probably won't be able to try things on, so try to have a good visual of how they will fit. It's okay to take your time here.

Make a moodboard and try to find items that match it

It helps to know what you are looking for specifically. Moodboards are a good way to hone in on what exactly you want to achieve aesthetically.  Then you can try to find clothing items that match what you created.

Keep an open mind

When an item jumps out at you, you'll just know that's "it". Think about how you would plan an outfit around it and what accessories you'll pair it with. Speaking of accessories

Yard sales are good for finding jewelry and accessories

You can often get discounts on necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches, and pins. Think about what type of jewelry you'd like to add to your outfits, and then search for it at yard sales. Many pieces are high quality but being sold for a fraction of the cost of getting them new.

It's almost yard sale season, and I'm really excited to find some pieces to photograph for this blog! Let me know your favorite yard sale finds in the comments.


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