Morning Routine Ideas


Consider waking up early if you don't already. Waking up early means you have more time to maximize your day. Chances are, you'll have fewer distractions such as your phone to worry about, and you'll be able to focus 100% on your goals. 

Having a morning routine keeps you on track for the day. I write out what I'm going to do, and then check it off like a list.

The morning is good for prayer and spiritual time, as you have less distractions. For me, it's the first thing I do when I get up. My morning routine looks like this:

Wake up

Pray & Read 

Have tea (I love Earl Grey by White Heron Tea.)

Then I like to do a workout video. Exercising is good first thing in the morning, because you're less likely to forget to do it. I like to do Pilates videos on YouTube, usually for 20 minutes. I also enjoy running in the morning.

After that, I make breakfast. I like to have a green smoothie and overnight oats. Overnight oats are prepared the night before. They are oats, yogurt, and frozen berries served in individual containers.


For green smoothies, I enjoy spinach, half an avocado, berries or banana, yogurt, almond milk, almond butter, and protein powder in a blender. You can change up which fruit you add to it every day for variety!

I then shower and do my social media posts for the day, one on my art account and one on my primary account. I try to update every day except the weekends.

Then I start my day.

What is your morning routine like? Let me know in the comments!


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