Finding inspiration as a content creator


Finding inspiration as a content creator isn't always easy.  You can often be staring at a blank screen, not sure of what exactly to post. I find myself in that same boat every time I load this page. And that's tricky when you've got several posts to write, often a week ahead of schedule.

To find inspiration as a blogger or content creator, you have to find what blogging and content creation means to you. To me, it means being a problem solver. So right now, I'm on the hunt for problems I can solve for you as my audience. 

I think that not knowing what to post about is a problem that many creative people experience. So I'm going to make a brainstorm list to help us both out. 

Trying something new can help with finding inspiration. I recommend trying new foods, visiting new places, or even joining new social media platforms. Recently. I joined a new platform, Spark Crowd Creative. This is not an ad, but I'm going to link to them here

Spark Crowd Creative is a platform where creative people can post about their projects and connect with each other.  I am hoping to find projects on there, as well as inspiration for this blog. 

It's okay to ask your audience on social media for inspiration. I asked on Spark Crowd Creative and if I get any feedback, I will be doing post topics inspired by them!

Also, here is a list of post ideas if you're simply stuck and can't think of anything:

-Outfit post - make sure to get shoes and accessories

-Inspirational quote and what it means to you

-Cover a specific area in your town and take photos

-Restaurant post- take lots of photos and blog your experience

-Post about celebrities/pop culture

-Something going on in the news and your reaction to it

-Art post

-Solving a problem for your audience

-Post about your pets if you have them

-Makeup/hair tutorial 

-Product review

It's okay to not know right away what to post about. Sometimes if you just start writing, the topic will come!


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