Finding motivation


Motivation is not always easy. As a creative person, it's especially challenging. Realistically, we just aren't always inspired. And that's okay. I experience it too.  I've oftentimes found myself so excited to start a project, only to dread the idea of actually working on it. 

What can we do to find motivation as creative people? Here's what has helped me:

-Get inspired. Be it music, a painting, a blog, a movie, find something that you enjoy the aesthetic of. Something that makes you feel excited, or like you want to create a "response" to it. Not sure what inspires you? Think about what you enjoy looking at, what you enjoy hearing. Instinctively, what do you gravitate towards?

-Go for a walk or a run. Physically moving helps the mind move, especially when stuck at your desk. Even if it's just taking a quick walk around your office, it can help.

-Make a to-do list. It feels good to check items off one at a time, and you get that sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Break larger tasks down into smaller tasks.

-Talk to a friend. Sometimes having somebody else to motivate you can help you want to get things done. It's good to keep each other on task. Chances are, they're also trying to stay motivated too.

-Think about your reason why.  Everything we do has a reason. It helps to have something internal that drives your reason, like a goal. Reminders of your goal can help. For example, if you want to move to a new city, looking at photos of that city online can be a motivator.

-Take a break for as long as you need, rest, and come back to it. It sounds counter-intuitive but sometimes rest is what we need to stay focused and avoid burnout. 

I believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Stay focused, stay motivated, and keep pushing toward your goals! 


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