Budget blogging: what I'm doing and how you can too.


It's okay if you don't have a closet full of designer clothes and want to start blogging. I'm starting completely from scratch, with basically no budget. 

Most of what's in my closet has been thrifted- not because it's trendy to do so, but because I simply don't have a lot of funds right now. And that's okay. You don't have to spend a lot of money to look good, and that's one of the themes I really want to focus on with this blog.

Looking good comes from within more than the outside. A good attitude and treating people right makes you look your best, no matter what you're wearing. 

That being said, here are some tips for budget blogging.

-Pair items you already own together in unique ways. Layering goes a long way. Dresses with a shirt over them can look like a skirt in a photo, for example. 

-Borrow items from friends and family. Just make sure to return them in good condition.

-Thrift items. The dress and shoes this post here were thrifted from Leeward Landing, a thrift store in Maine. This is my biggest piece of advice for other new bloggers. You can find so many good quality and even designer pieces at thrift shops. Sometimes people just get tired of their clothes, even if they're trendy pieces in good condition. 

-Look at stores like WalMart and Target for staple items like solid colored  T-shirts and leggings. This may sound controversial, but it's challenging to spot the difference between a designer T-shirt and a WalMart T-Shirt. The accessories and bags can be the "big ticket items."

-Reach out to local brands and ask if they will lend you an item to photograph in exchange for a blog post. Many brands are looking for bloggers to work with, even if you're just starting out.

You have a great eye and sense of style. Don't let a financial situation get in the way of that. Share your vision with the world anyway. Most people don't have thousands of dollars to spend on clothes, and they read fashion blogs too. You never know who you might inspire!


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